Cole Anthony UNC

Sorry, don't see the logic in this post. And with two lottery picks and Cam, another first rounder, UNc underachieved much more than Duke.

Because you’re to stupid Flem. Your life must suck big time when UNC is on your mind 24/7.
Recruiting titles 5/6 years and 1 title, 1 final 4.
Not scared at all.
Guess it goes to show you what most people with a functioning brain already understand.

Recruiting rankings mean nothing until you play the games.
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Because you’re to stupid Flem. Your life must suck big time when UNC is on your mind 24/7.
Actually it is quite wonderful thanks. Especially since I have you and a couple others on the end of my string smacking you around like a cat with its toy.
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4/6 times we played says otherwise.
You need to stop ruining this guy. You might get thrown off rivals for this abuse. Don’t start bringing up how K is a shell of his former self and has completely sold out. That might put him over the top
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They should be top 10 in the ACC with this addition.
I truly appreciate the sarcasm, a like is on its way

Sorry, don't see the logic in this post. And with two lottery picks and Cam, another first rounder, UNc underachieved much more than Duke.
College GameDay crew disagreed. Vegas disagreed. Nice try Scooter. Cal has company now, as we have another coach who can't take elite freshmen talent to a championship.
AWilli6995: "And we will still beat duke next year."
Afamu: "History of Roy vs K disagrees"
AWilli6995: "4 out of 6 says otherwise."

Mercy... I must have missed the part in class where history is defined as a two year sample size.
AWilli6995: "And we will still beat duke next year."
Afamu: "History of Roy vs K disagrees"
AWilli6995: "4 out of 6 says otherwise."

Mercy... I must have missed the part in class where history is defined as a two year sample size.
Don't worry, with UNc fans it will change again to try and fit their argument.
UNC is still recruiting at least 3 grad transfers: Rayjon Tucker, Justin Pierce, and Christian Keeling. Pierce and Keeling have official visits scheduled. Tucker doesn't have a visit planned, but he's a Charlotte native, so I'm sure stopping by wouldn't be terribly cumbersome.

They're also actively recruiting Precious Achiuwa and Anthony Harris. UNC now has 10 players committed for 2020. I think they land two more guys. Harris, FWIW, is the 4-star recruit who de-committed from VT a couple weeks ago.
Thought Tucker had entered NBA draft
Thought Tucker had entered NBA draft

He did. But similar to Kerry Blackshear, he didn't dismiss the notion of returning to school. Tucker has already visited WVU and Auburn, and he'll be at Memphis this upcoming weekend. I suspect UNC could still get a visit in if the mutual interest is still there.
Cole Anthony is going to be a force, no doubt. Could easily see him being ACC POY and 1st Team All-American. UNC should be fine. I'll go out on a limb and say they add Anthony Harris and Justin Pierce. Not sure how Harris and Pierce compare to Robinson/Black, to be honest. So I'll give the returning players the benefit of the doubt

Cole Anthony, Fr
Brandon Robinson, Sr
Leaky Black, So
Garrison Brooks, Jr
Armando Bacot, Fr

Key Bench:
Seventh Woods, Sr
Anthony Harris, Fr
Justin Pierce, Gr
Sterling Manley, Jr

Platek, Huffman, Francis
He does sound a bit like Jay Williams, though Jay is actually finished with his Duke education so....
I should have known better. But I figured most would know that I was just being a smartass. I am sure you did.

Yes, of course. It’s Twitter. I think grammar rules there are even less relevant than here. I didn’t think my comment sounded all serious. I tried to edit it to play along, lol.
Thought Tucker had entered NBA draft

He did. But similar to Kerry Blackshear, he didn't dismiss the notion of returning to school. Tucker has already visited WVU and Auburn, and he'll be at Memphis this upcoming weekend. I suspect UNC could still get a visit in if the mutual interest is still there.

I don’t think UNC is an option for him tbh.
AWilli6995: "And we will still beat duke next year."
Afamu: "History of Roy vs K disagrees"
AWilli6995: "4 out of 6 says otherwise."

Mercy... I must have missed the part in class where history is defined as a two year sample size.

What sample size is relevant then? Either way we go outside of all time is someone defining a sample size.
What sample size is relevant then? Either way we go outside of all time is someone defining a sample size.

Seemed like the original discussion was history of K vs Roy. So if we're discussing the "history" of that coaching rivalry, you really don't have to go very far to calculate the records. It's 22-17 in favor of K. If you take the results since 2004 (Roy was 1-2 against Duke at KU), then the record is 20-16. A small edge to K, obviously a very competitive series that hasn't been one-sided in the least.
What sample size is relevant then? Either way we go outside of all time is someone defining a sample size.

Seemed like the original discussion was history of K vs Roy. So if we're discussing the "history" of that coaching rivalry, you really don't have to go very far to calculate the records. It's 22-17 in favor of K. If you take the results since 2004 (Roy was 1-2 against Duke at KU), then the record is 20-16. A small edge to K, obviously a very competitive series that hasn't been one-sided in the least.

No doubt. It always seems to run in cycles as well, often depending on certain matchups that played well against the other. K has had the advantage against Roy head to head a little and Roy a little more tournament success. Both fanbases are obviously pretty lucky.
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I think there were some issues (nothing shady) that could be a roadblock.

Gotcha. Well, I'll trust your sources seeing how you were right about Cam Johnson's flu-like symptoms during the Auburn game, and I couldn't find that anywhere on my google searches. Certainly still a few grad transfers & other recruits in the mix. Goodman has UNC #8 in his updated top 25, FWIW.
I think there were some issues (nothing shady) that could be a roadblock.

Gotcha. Well, I'll trust your sources seeing how you were right about Cam Johnson's flu-like symptoms during the Auburn game, and I couldn't find that anywhere on my google searches. Certainly still a few grad transfers & other recruits in the mix. Goodman has UNC #8 in his updated top 25, FWIW.

I would like for things to change. Seems like the best option out there, though I do think Harris or Keeling or Pierce could help.

I think 8 is way too high. Those guys always overrate the blue bloods though.
I would like for things to change. Seems like the best option out there, though I do think Harris or Keeling or Pierce could help.

I think 8 is way too high. Those guys always overrate the blue bloods though.

Incredibly hard to project when almost every top 25 team (minus Michigan State) loses more than 50% of their rotational players. Feels like college basketball is down, in general. Top-level teams are dependent on new-comers and player progression from guys that probably saw less than 15 minutes of action.

I think he assumes Anthony will be playing at an All-American level, and he probably also assumes UNC adds at least one more impact player and/or Leaky/Robinson/Brooks improve a bit over the offseason. I'll be posting my preseason top 50 sometime in October, and I'm sure it will be incredibly inaccurate. We shall see...