Anyone here ever been fat?

Are those Cole Hann shoes? I have a pair very similar. Great shoes.

legally blonde GIF
I keep telling myself at some point I’m going to care more about what I eat and how much of it I eat. I have a one year old now, and I’m still hovering around 260. At some point it has to click for me that if my son wants a healthy dad who can keep up with his energy and activities as he gets older, I have to be healthier. Thing is, I could still eat most of what I like and lose weight. I’ve got a big and tall frame and weight can fall of pretty fast if I just try.

I think my first step needs to be completely cutting out soda. So much sugar and I notice a difference in a day if I drink one vs not drinking one. As weird as that sounds.
I keep telling myself at some point I’m going to care more about what I eat and how much of it I eat. I have a one year old now, and I’m still hovering around 260. At some point it has to click for me that if my son wants a healthy dad who can keep up with his energy and activities as he gets older, I have to be healthier. Thing is, I could still eat most of what I like and lose weight. I’ve got a big and tall frame and weight can fall of pretty fast if I just try.

I think my first step needs to be completely cutting out soda. So much sugar and I notice a difference in a day if I drink one vs not drinking one. As weird as that sounds.
100% cut out soda. Switching to water makes a huge difference. And it's such a small thing to cut out. I used to love having a coke with a meal. Cut it out and definitely missed it at first, but not anymore. The other day I was hung over and had a headache, got a McDonalds coke and it was so sweet I could barely get it down. a few months ago I loved that stuff.
100% cut out soda. Switching to water makes a huge difference. And it's such a small thing to cut out. I used to love having a coke with a meal. Cut it out and definitely missed it at first, but not anymore. The other day I was hung over and had a headache, got a McDonalds coke and it was so sweet I could barely get it down. a few months ago I loved that stuff.
Try a big glass of cold tomato juice or V8 with your meals, good for you and they both are filling and will cut down on the food consumption. 👍
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Scale read 190 today! 45 lbs total since mid November. Haven't been in the 180s since the 90s.

Got 3 dates lined up for next week, all with hot chicks competing to be #1 on my depth chart. Life is good.
The motivation backed by momentum is where it's at. It becomes an obsession. Did for me at least. Still chasing.I'm over 100lbs.

Gutting alcohol and other drinks had an immediate effect.
counting calories and focusing on whole foods was next. I only cook with foods with one ingredient.
Exercise was the last, it's the hardest. I sit most of the day and don't get the steps I used to get walking the lot. Still do as much as I can, but it's not like before. I do a local Planet Fitness between 6-7, at work by 8 or so. Service opens at 8. Sales at 9.

With all that said, banging chicks is great cardio and surprising how many calories you can burn with one ejaculation.

Still not where I want to be but getting there. Without the health scare..., ongoing health scare, I'd probably still be 310lbs in a hole somewhere. Nothing like having a doctor tell you straight up.
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