Anyone catch that foul in the Duke/Clemson game?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
Pretty bad foul. Looking online, some are calling for a full season suspension. Glad the kid went over to the Duke bench to apologize, but he is lucky that Moore wasn’t hurt.

I feel bad for the Clemson kid. I assume K will stay consistent and come out and say that Collins is the real victim in this incident.

I do agree that after two more incidents he should be suspended for at least one game though.
Lol. Can't wait for Phil's response.
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It was terrible. Guy was embarrassed his flop didn't work, then didn't want to see the inevitable dunk without making Moore pay for it. Doubt he repeats this decision. Moore, or anyone else, could have been seriously injured there. That's not a hard foul, that is a dirty and dangerous foul. He's young, we've all learned from our mistakes, hopefully he does as well. Thankfully nobody was seriously injured.
they take these types of plays wayyyy too lightly in both college and the pros. the grayson allen suspension was a joke and this kids likely will be too.

morris nearly took out morant last night too. doubt he was even suspended.
That is what K said after Henderson broke Hansbrough's nose with his dirty play. He said Hansbrough shouldn't have been in the game and that Henderson was the victim.
Pretty bad foul. Looking online, some are calling for a full season suspension. Glad the kid went over to the Duke bench to apologize, but he is lucky that Moore wasn’t hurt.

Wow.....He was ejected, right? I mean,SOB----that is dirty----and really, really dangerous. I don't care who you root for, that shit has no place in CBB...
Wow.....He was ejected, right? I mean,SOB----that is dirty----and really, really dangerous. I don't care who you root for, that shit has no place in CBB...

For sure. I thought calling it one of the dirtiest fouls I’ve seen was hyperbole, but the more I thought about it, the more that sort of makes some sense… it is a really dirty play. I mean, it’s not getting in a fist fight. But it is light years worse than some of the recent bad fouls, and being a Duke person, obviously the only thing I can think is that the Allen fouls were bitch moves, but this is straight up trying to hurt someone. It’s, like, way different. He didn’t just undercut him… it was maybe the worst undercut I’ve ever seen… and that’s a dangerous, dangerous thing to do.

Glad it didn’t end up being worse. If that had been me getting fouled, I would have been broken in half by that fall:)
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You're not defending this kid, right? I'm on pain meds tonight---so be patient with me, here...

Some of the Carolina folks are having a hard year of it. Like… they don’t care as much as they used to, but they sort of also REALLY care. It’s an odd brew. Pretty sure this is just petty sniping.
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Ghost was saying the same things I was except about Hansbrough instead of Moore, lol. It was clear we were going back and forth and we know both plays were dirty.

I don't know about the dude. He probably wasn't even a fan when that incident happened.

This was clearly a dirty play but so have many Duke plays over the years and we had to listen to dumb justifications regarding that nonsense so them getting all worked up when it happens to their guy (who wasn't hurt) doesn't really move the needle for me.
Lol, I sports hate Duke for sure. My three best friends are all Duke fans and we have a great time with it so in real life it isn't really that heavy.
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Cory really hates Duke
Cory and I PM all the time. When you hear his story about his first lover and the Duke grad, you'll fully understand his hatred for Duke. It started in track and field, then gradually made it's way to men's basketball.
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Ghost was saying the same things I was except about Hansbrough instead of Moore, lol. It was clear we were going back and forth and we know both plays were dirty.

I don't know about the dude. He probably wasn't even a fan when that incident happened.

This was clearly a dirty play but so have many Duke plays over the years and we had to listen to dumb justifications regarding that nonsense so them getting all worked up when it happens to their guy (who wasn't hurt) doesn't really move the needle for me.

Not sure the point of your reaction should be about Duke fan takes on the foul… I feel like the main point of discussion should be the foul itself?

And I’m not sure Ive seen many Duke fouls like this. The Hans one is the only close one, but at least there the ball was, like, right there, right where he was swinging, in the midst of a defensive play and just skimming past Hendersons face. This… nothing of the sort.

Oh, and sorry, I think I just saw your side of it… sorry if I missed stuff that would have made it make more sense.
I've not seen anything close to that dirty since guy grabbed Liggins leg.

Some fouls should deserve a game suspension. If not enforced by an outsider, the coach should do it.

I'd be f'n livid if that was a UK player getting board checked when going for a dunk.
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I've not seen anything close to that dirty since guy grabbed Liggins leg.

Some fouls should deserve a game suspension. If not enforced by an outsider, the coach should do it.

I'd be f'n livid if that was a UK player getting board checked when going for a dunk.

Terrence Jennings
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you're awesome.
Obviously, this was just horrid. You can't mess with a guy when he's in the air, especially when he's around the rim. It's just a big no. Anybody that's played at any level knows you don't do it. You want revenge you gotta figure out another way. Now and then you see a guy break the code, but even as they are doing it the light bulb goes off somewhere during the mistake, and they grab the guy in the air to protect him, and it's forgiven. It's like now they become besties.

This guy just went full speed on it. You give him one game. If he does something like that again, you chop off his nuts and mail them to his mother.
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There are different levels of that sort of foul. Zeller had his wrist broken on a play from behind that shouldn't have happened a few years ago. That was unnecessary but it wasn't dirty. It was a play on the ball. There have been many plays that fall into that category and only a few I can remember that really fall into the dirty category where someone pushes someone from behind or something like that. This one is obviously egregious. At least he realized it and took some accountability, which is more than most players have done over the years. I assume he will be suspended at least indefinitely though.
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Not much to be said. Very dirty/intentional play. Leaned his head into Wendell's hip while in mid air and dunking. Deserved to be ejected. Should be interesting to see what the ACC does, if anything.
I'm on pain meds tonight---so be patient with me, here...

I remember when Grayson tripped that kid from Elon. Front and center story on ESPN. Funny how Grayson's trip received way more coverage than this.

If Moore fell on his head, I mean that could have been career-ending. Fortunately, he did a good job at bracing for that fall.