To make a long story short I’ll just say that my son came home one day last August from playing basketball at the local park and said his knee was bothering him a little bit. As time went on his limp got worse and worse so we went to see a doctor and they thought he had possibly damaged his ACL. They did two different MRIs and found nothing and then did an MRI on his lower back spinal cord and brain and found that he has one possibly two cyst under his spinal cord pressing against it. Because of the location they can’t remove the cyst but they can surgically go in and drain them and said that would take the pressure off of the spinal cord. We were told that they were unsure if he would ever walk normal again without a limp but it was possible. We have an appointment in Vanderbilt with a neurosurgeon on Friday to see when surgery will be. I just wanted to see if anybody has dealt with anything like this before.