Here’s the difference, if a KU board posted something about ex UK players going to jail, you would have a hard on, no UK fans would know about it and you're the only one that would see relevance in it.
Whereas, the second someone on RR talks about anything KU, you lose your shit and claim UK fans are obsessed, while ignoring the fact that you are over there monitoring what’s being said while posing as a UK fan. It’s called 'hypocricy'.
So, you think my silence for more than a day on here, is a sign of something? What would that be? Heck, I don't believe I actually took a break, I don't recall going any length of time without posting. I haven't missed a pick-em contest and I comment in threads that interest me.
You have serious stalking issues.
No, it’s called having a memory. Stalkery would be claiming to vividly remember the three posts you made on a KU board 10 years ago.
You can’t make it through two posts without dropping “gayhawk,” “jailhawk,” rape/chair, slamming Dickinson, or making fun of a KU loss. But talk to me some more about obsession. Self-awareness ain’t your strong suit. 😆