Nobody wants the #1 ranking? Purdue held it for about a month and a half. They'd still be #1 if the refs didn't allow the brutalizing of Edey during that two game stretch vs NW and MD.
I watched the Alabama game vs Tennessee that same week. Heard Bilas say a few times how "physical" that game was. I thought he was trolling. Looked like kittens playing compared to what NW and MD were allowed to get away with.
Now, as to the topic at hand. Kansas has a very good argument at the overall #1 at this moment. I wouldn't be upset by it at all.
If I had to rank the teams getting a #1 seed right now it'd go:
B12 is clearly the best conference, by far. B10 is good, but teams are winning games they shouldn't due to the overwhelming physicality that they allow. SEC is very top heavy. Only a few good teams and the rest is trash. Houston plays in a garbage conference and still lost a game in it to a 100+ ranked team.
Alabama looks amazing vs terrible teams. Don't fair so well against teams with a pulse.