Running UK Game Thread: SEC Tournament

No, I said wait till you get at least 9 wins before running your yapper. Said the same thing to BLOCKHEAD.
Now you've claimed a bunch of W's over a patsy-filled conference and thinking you're a contender.
Semantics, and you keep repeating the same drivel. We’ll see what happens. At least you’re consistent with your hatred. Go Cards!
Well, it's because you and Rocky high five each other a lot on here. You have joined in on some of the fun, so naturally you are going to get lumped in on call outs.
I guess? Most UK fans high five and dock each other talking about us, so I suppose it is what it is. However, you and I both know I never mention UK outta the blue and intentionally hijack threads without an initial provocation. You can admit that at least.
I guess? Most UK fans high five and dock each other talking about us, so I suppose it is what it is. However, you and I both know I never mention UK outta the blue and intentionally hijack threads without an initial provocation. You can admit that at least.
The only time UK fans talk about UL, is when you guys jump in the thread and troll, if you guys weren't on here, nobody would say a word about Louisville, they're an also-ran program.
The only time UK fans talk about UL, is when you guys jump in the thread and troll, if you guys weren't on here, nobody would say a word about Louisville, they're an also-ran program.
This is complete and utter bullshit. You guys can’t help yourselves. lol give me a ****ing break. lol that was a good one, Jeff. 😂 needed that laugh before I fall asleep. Half the raftards on this board talk about us constantly.
This is complete and utter bullshit. You guys can’t help yourselves. lol give me a ****ing break. lol that was a good one, Jeff. 😂 needed that laugh before I fall asleep. Half the raftards on this board talk about us constantly.
What is life like in fairytale land?

Nobody gives a dog shit about Louisville, beyond making fun of them, because they are the stinky kid in class.
What is life like in fairytale land?

Nobody gives a dog shit about Louisville, beyond making fun of them, because they are the stinky kid in class.
The irony of this post is alarming. Put the bottle down bud. You’re turning into JC. You’re truly living in a fog.
The irony of this post is alarming. Put the bottle down bud. You’re turning into JC. You’re truly living in a fog.
The is, you want so bad for Louisville to be relevant, so you're trying to act like it's actually happening, but it’s not, seriously, nobody gives a shit about Louisville. I know that hurts your feelings, but it had to be said.
The is, you want so bad for Louisville to be relevant, so you're trying to act like it's actually happening, but it’s not, seriously, nobody gives a shit about Louisville. I know that hurts your feelings, but it had to be said.
Not at all, this is just an arbitrary narrative you’ve created in your mind out of rustle. We’re still ranked 13th in the nation to end the year, and we completely rebuilt our roster just like you guys and replaced a coach. Except we’ve dealt with way more dogshit, and you guys had a hof’er who couldn’t stand the harassment and went elsewhere. Same results as last season with essentially the same amount of “quality” sec teams that didn’t do jack shit in the tourney aside from Bama. You think about us day and night and it burns your skirts that we did well this year, so you downplay it and conference honk, and cry about injuries like no other team dealt with them! Cognitive dissonance is a perfect way to describe UK fans. Go ahead and make up some more stories, they’re cute.
Not at all, this is just an arbitrary narrative you’ve created in your mind out of rustle. We’re still ranked 13th in the nation to end the year, and we completely rebuilt our roster just like you guys and replaced a coach. Except we’ve dealt with way more dogshit, and you guys had a hof’er who couldn’t stand the harassment and went elsewhere. Same results as last season with essentially the same amount of “quality” sec teams that didn’t do jack shit in the tourney aside from Bama. You think about us day and night and it burns your skirts that we did well this year, so you downplay it and conference honk, and cry about injuries like no other team dealt with them! Cognitive dissonance is a perfect way to describe UK fans. Go ahead and make up some more stories, they’re cute.
You’re so cute.

You gotta tell me why you think anyone is ate up with Louisville. What exactly is Louisville doing that makes anyone else jealous?

UK owns UL and it's not close. You guys have won what, 2 games against UK in like 20 years?

Your school has had extortion cases, coaches and AD's stealing money from taxpayers, a guy stole golf clubs, you had a coach screw a chick on a restaurant table, then pay for her abortion.

There were the dorm parties, squirting to the ceiling and recruits (and their dads) getting laid by hookers.

You had a title stripped, 2 final 4's stripped and your program was ass the last 2 years.

So why in the world would anybody be sweating Louisville freaking basketball? You guys are a disgrace.

You're confusing being made fun of with obsession. We’re literally making fun of you and you're so stupid, you think it’s obsession.

The only way you get out of this now, is if you admit you were just joking, because if you continue on with this oblivious schtick you’re on, it won't be just me that points and laughs at you. Louisville is as irrelevant as Indiana. Seriously, you can't be this stupid.
You’re so cute.

You gotta tell me why you think anyone is ate up with Louisville. What exactly is Louisville doing that makes anyone else jealous?

UK owns UL and it's not close. You guys have won what, 2 games against UK in like 20 years?

Your school has had extortion cases, coaches and AD's stealing money from taxpayers, a guy stole golf clubs, you had a coach screw a chick on a restaurant table, then pay for her abortion.

There were the dorm parties, squirting to the ceiling and recruits (and their dads) getting laid by hookers.

You had a title stripped, 2 final 4's stripped and your program was ass the last 2 years.

So why in the world would anybody be sweating Louisville freaking basketball? You guys are a disgrace.

You're confusing being made fun of with obsession. We’re literally making fun of you and you're so stupid, you think it’s obsession.

The only way you get out of this now, is if you admit you were just joking, because if you continue on with this oblivious schtick you’re on, it won't be just me that points and laughs at you. Louisville is as irrelevant as Indiana. Seriously, you can't be this stupid.
You’re not talking about the present and deflecting yet again to h2h matchups. Point is, we won 25 games in three years under poor leadership, and in one year with Kelsey (regular season) we won 25 games. We are ranked in the top 15, and are a threat in the ncaa tournament for the first time in years. I know you’re on a tear, but it’s just not making any sense. You just seem annoyed by it, which is reasonable. You come off even keeled to some, but you’re just as big of a hater/broken record as Rocky and JC when it comes to UL/UK. You do the same thing with the other UK rafters esque homers who have nothing but vitriol when anything UL is mentioned, yet you’re stunned by the fact that I don’t say anything when Rocky is talking about UK. Hypocrisy.