You’re so cute.
You gotta tell me why you think anyone is ate up with Louisville. What exactly is Louisville doing that makes anyone else jealous?
UK owns UL and it's not close. You guys have won what, 2 games against UK in like 20 years?
Your school has had extortion cases, coaches and AD's stealing money from taxpayers, a guy stole golf clubs, you had a coach screw a chick on a restaurant table, then pay for her abortion.
There were the dorm parties, squirting to the ceiling and recruits (and their dads) getting laid by hookers.
You had a title stripped, 2 final 4's stripped and your program was ass the last 2 years.
So why in the world would anybody be sweating Louisville freaking basketball? You guys are a disgrace.
You're confusing being made fun of with obsession. We’re literally making fun of you and you're so stupid, you think it’s obsession.
The only way you get out of this now, is if you admit you were just joking, because if you continue on with this oblivious schtick you’re on, it won't be just me that points and laughs at you. Louisville is as irrelevant as Indiana. Seriously, you can't be this stupid.