Mother of Duke star Cooper Flagg has choice words for 'classless' UNC fans after visit to Chapel Hill

Cooper's Mom- has got it goin on! Just kidding! Not showing too much class there hunny! What exactly did she expect? The poor feller is probably embarrassed for her. Make her stay home next time.
Cuz Duke fans have never berated or cursed out UNC players/family members before.

Don't go to a Duke UNC game as a family member if you aren't prepared to hear a lot "stuff" coming your way.
Meh, she didn't do anything the other 20,000 people weren't doing. About every woman I know would do and say the same thing in defense of her son and herself as I'm sure she had a lot of crude remarks thrown at her as well. Big nothing burger.
It's definitely no big deal but what 18-year-old would not be embarrassed by his mom being such a massive snowflake over such a trivial thing?
Pics of momma Flagg so I can truly make a decision on how I feel about this horrible situation.
I couldn't care less about her doing the weird head thing (though he didn't really dunk on anyone so it was kind of dumb but she is a mom so whatever) or talking **** or whatever. These comment though, yeesh. Unfortunate for her son, who seems pretty well grounded tbh, that his mom is such a massive loser.
Pics of momma Flagg so I can truly make a decision on how I feel about this horrible situation.
Coopers mom....
