Eh, this sounds like a similar situation to what happened with the Rush brothers in the early 2000s. Kansas will try to establish that 1) DeSousa accepted a small amount of money, 2) Kansas did not and should not have known, 3) DeSousa was ineligible for X amount of games, 4) after being ineligible for X amount of games, DeSousa should be eligible, and 5) Kansas plays him while he's eligible, thus avoiding sanctions for KU. It's worth a shot if the NCAA will sign off ahead of time.
There's some precedence for a case involving a player accepting some form of payment before college and without the school's knowledge. Sometimes this works (Rush brothers, many others), sometimes it doesn't (Kanter, many others), and sometimes the NCAA goes against precedent and ends up with a new interpretation that just so happens to avoid vacating wins for one of its signature programs (Maggette). So who knows?