Better question---Why would anyone be obsessed with any team? Its a silly take, IMO, to say this. Teams like UK, IU, KU, Duke, UNC, etc....are always gonna be talked about. Its quite naïve to think otherwise. Whn something bad happens to either, its gonna get talked about. Especially on here. No one is immune to this---And no program is special because of this---Its just the nature of beast.
As for IU----their brand is always gonna keep them, "talked about". In other words, relevant. As in the grans scheme of the game, and its history. Just because IU is not relevant, or been relevant in terms of competiting for FF's, titles, etc...doesn't erase their relevancy as a brand. To think otherwise, is being naïve, or just plain dumb.
Indiana's basketball futility runs deeper than just "not being good", or lost in the times. Its a product of bad hires, ego's, administrators, etc... That group is gone...Many if not all, no longer at the university. I think---THINK Dolson is, or could the answer, and the turn around of the Indiana basketball program. He gets it. He was a team manager under Knight. He's probably the FIRST AD not envious of the attention KNight got, and how he obtained it. IMO the hiring of Woodson, rather good or bad, shows the direction DOlson wants to go with the program. IMO, I believe Woody was hired to build a foundation to make this job the job it was 20+ years ago.
In a nutshell, IU is a great hire away, IMO---And IMO, I sont think Dolson is scared to make that hire.