I'm all for legalizing weed, but this is messed up


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
edit: Video is behind a wall so you have to click it and watch on Facebook.

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What garbage human beings. Think I heard about this on the radio, but they are both babysitters, correct? I'd want to murder someone if those were my kids.
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My work pc won't even show a video/link in OP's post, but what's happening here?
Are we blaming legalization for people's actions?
Like any drug story -including alcohol-, it is and will always be a “discipline” issue.

Like, do you have the discipline to not get lit before or during work?

Do you have the discipline to partake in a way that won’t negatively affect others’ day?

Do you have the discipline to take care of your responsibilities and carve off free time for your indulgence?

For any drug story you see on the news, the answers to those questions are almost always “no”.
Like any drug story -including alcohol-, it is and will always be a “discipline” issue.

Like, do you have the discipline to not get lit before or during work?

Do you have the discipline to partake in a way that won’t negatively affect others’ day?

Do you have the discipline to take care of your responsibilities and carve off free time for your indulgence?

For any drug story you see on the news, the answers to those questions are almost always “no”.

Are we still talking about weed here? It ain’t heroin. Get real.

Is this the part where you pretend that you understood my original post?

The point is that it doesn’t matter what your drug of choice is, if you’re responsible.

This subject wasn’t, and it’s not the fault of the drug, regardless if it was weed, H, or PCP.
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Umm, I think the drug matters. You can be responsible and on certain drugs and it be a disaster. There is definitely a difference between weed and other drugs.
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Is this the part where you pretend that you understood my original post?

The point is that it doesn’t matter what your drug of choice is, if you’re responsible.

This subject wasn’t, and it’s not the fault of the drug, regardless if it was weed, H, or PCP.

No. Not at all. I still don’t understand it. Especially if you have to explain it.

Yes, a person can be normal on a hard drug, more times then not, they won’t be.

Weed isn’t a hard drug, at all.
In general, chief.

Some people who use H are normal, functioning members of society.
It's this line of thinking that leads to the pandemic our country is suffering from today. I have no doubt that every addict out there has told themselves that they aren't like other addicts. That they can control their habits. Heroin is a devilish drug that destroys lives and it is irresponsible to downplay its effects and the ability of people to responsibly use it. It is not even in the same book as marijuana, let alone page.
Legalize all drugs and let the problems sort themselves out.

If those were my kids I could live with myself doing somd jail time for forcing an ounce of weed down their throats
It's this line of thinking that leads to the pandemic our country is suffering from today. I have no doubt that every addict out there has told themselves that they aren't like other addicts. That they can control their habits. Heroin is a devilish drug that destroys lives and it is irresponsible to downplay its effects and the ability of people to responsibly use it. It is not even in the same book as marijuana, let alone page.
If you knock it, I assume you tried it?
Are we still talking about weed here? It ain’t heroin. Get real.
See, this is a problem. No weed isn't AS bad as heroin, crack, etc...But that doesn't make it ok to dismiss it's affects.
It's this line of thinking that leads to the pandemic our country is suffering from today. I have no doubt that every addict out there has told themselves that they aren't like other addicts. That they can control their habits. Heroin is a devilish drug that destroys lives and it is irresponsible to downplay its effects and the ability of people to responsibly use it. It is not even in the same book as marijuana, let alone page.
This. But to be honest, I can say the same thing about weed. Of course not to the same extent. But still....
I personally see nothing wrong with sprinkling a little crack on a mj bowl.....except the fact it's a waste of crack.
See, this is a problem. No weed isn't AS bad as heroin, crack, etc...But that doesn't make it ok to dismiss it's affects.

What are the affects? I’ve smoked my entire life. Not a single health related problem, never been in trouble with it, never lost a job, never wrecked my car.

I would eat and laugh. Ohh what a terrible “drug”.
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No. Not at all. I still don’t understand it. Especially if you have to explain it.

Yes, a person can be normal on a hard drug, more times then not, they won’t be.

Weed isn’t a hard drug, at all.
Yes, weed is not a hard drug. That doesn't mean it is appropriate for children, nor that babysitters shouldn't face criminal charges for giving it to a child.

Hank's point here was about behavior. Weed isn't that big a deal, but if you do something stupid related to it or while using it, that might be a very, very big deal.
What are the affects? I’ve smoked my entire life. Not a single health related problem, never been in trouble with it, never lost a job, never wrecked my car.

I would eat and laugh. Ohh what a terrible “drug”.
How old are you?
Only post I feel I'm semi-on topic.


The police stop me and said my tag light ain't working.. I'm like what??? Are u sure?, im pretty sure that mf works!.. Do you mind if i get out and look?. He gne say, "well it ain't working nd naw i don't mind, unless u can get it to work before i write this ticket!.. Me:(snatching flash light off my key chain nd pulling black tape out my glove box) got that mf on before he even got in his car..
#CountryMFs lol
Yes, weed is not a hard drug. That doesn't mean it is appropriate for children, nor that babysitters shouldn't face criminal charges for giving it to a child.

Hank's point here was about behavior. Weed isn't that big a deal, but if you do something stupid related to it or while using it, that might be a very, very big deal.

Oh I’m not saying what they did isn’t messed up. I don’t agree with what they did at all. I’m saying an adult should be able to smoke if they want, it should be legal.

And I’m 31.