How's Everyone's Summer Going?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2016
The Bluegrass State
I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.
Pretty awesome. Played golf at different state parks the last two weekends. We were at the lake last weekend as well (Kentucky Lake at Paris Landing). Going to Holden Beach soon, then not long after that hanging out down on 12 South in Nashville for a few days and then in July going to St. George's Island with just my wife. Lots of golf in between all of that as well. Summer is the best.
I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.

Oh yeah, happy last day!
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I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.
Congrats. Is your new job in the Louisville area?

I'm planning a trip, but it's not set yet. It's a nerdy trip. Will show a pic if it goes through. My pasty white skin is not looking forward to the desert.
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Saw this bad boy while at Montgomery Bell a couple of weekends back.
I was fully excepting to see a gator or something in the video, haha. Long snake, though. Never seen one that big on the golf course

Congrats. Is your new job in the Louisville area?

I'm planning a trip, but it's not set yet. It's a nerdy trip. Will show a pic if it goes through. My pasty white skin is not looking forward to the desert.

Yup still in the Louisville area. Sounds like you're going out west? If so, jealous af
Good start to the summer. Currently sitting in LAX with the wife, waiting for our flight to Honolulu for a weeks stay.
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I was fully excepting to see a gator or something in the video, haha. Long snake, though. Never seen one that big on the golf course

Yup still in the Louisville area. Sounds like you're going out west? If so, jealous af

It was a King Snake so one of the good guys. It was probably 6 or 7 feet long. The video stretches it out some I think. Actually saw one the next weekend at Paris Landing as well but we almost stepped on that one in the woods looking for a buddy's ball and am not sure what kind it was.
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I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.
Congrats on the new gig and raise! Drinks on you.
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Pretty awesome. Played golf at different state parks the last two weekends. We were at the lake last weekend as well (Kentucky Lake at Paris Landing). Going to Holden Beach soon, then not long after that hanging out down on 12 South in Nashville for a few days and then in July going to St. George's Island with just my wife. Lots of golf in between all of that as well. Summer is the best.

St. George in the Florida panhandle?
So far so good. I too start a new job June 1. Well sort of. It’s with the place I’ve been at for 8 years, but in March I got a promotion to start leading a team across a larger geography. Been doing Florida, now I’m doing Florida, Georgia, and Bama. I’ve been prepping since March and our new fiscal year starts June 1st.

As for vacations, we are doing a quick trip to Rosemary Beach this weekend. Then 9 days in Atlantic Beach in late June. Looking to play McLemore Golf Course (north GA) in late July. And then headed to New Orleans for Labor Day weekend and FSU/LSU.

So it should be a good little summer. Maybe a few more 1-2 day trips to SGI (St. George) or Cape San Blas when we need an escape from heat.
St. George in the Florida panhandle?

Yes. Had some friends who just stayed there recently and loved it. We are really looking forward to it. Looks very laid back, which is what we like. Tybee is our favorite place and this gives me that sort of vibe.
Floating in the sticks of Missouri
Drinking with bltches in San Antonio
Camping with the family in Colorado
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Yes. Had some friends who just stayed there recently and loved it. We are really looking forward to it. Looks very laid back, which is what we like. Tybee is our favorite place and this gives me that sort of vibe.

Fantastic. My mom and step-dad had a house there when I was growing up so we’ve spent a lot of time there. Man, 30 years ago…it wasn’t laid back it was damn near deserted. If you went down in October you could go out on the beach at Noon, look both ways, and not see another person for half a mile in either direction.

They’ve really done a nice job of developing it over the years while still maintaining its charm and not being overly touristy.

Couple of ideas if you’re interested, take ‘em or leave ‘em:

1) Not sure where you’re staying, but avoid the public beach that’s right by the light house and Blue Parrot (basically where the road dumps you off at after crossing the bridge). A lot of day trippers from Tallahassee and Wakulla go there so it can be crowded in the summer time. Hopefully you’re staying in a house or condo that’s a mile or two to the left or right of blue parrot.

2) If not, it’s worth it to go down to the state park at the end of the island. Just gorgeous down there. It’s a few bucks per car to enter but you get restrooms, plenty of hiking trails, and long stretches of isolated white sand. If you don’t want to pay the fee, go to 300 ocean mile, which is a condo complex adjacent to the state park. Find a visitors spot and then take their boardwalk down to the beach. But don’t park in someone’s unit spot, they will not be pleased.

3) Apalachicola is across the bay and it’s well worth the 15 minute drive. The food there is very good. MUCH better than what’s on SGI. Owl Cafe is our favorite, but there are several good places. There’s a good brewery too, Oyster City Brewery. And after dinner you can go get some homemade gelato from a store in the main square. Go over at like 4 and do a little exploring in the boutiques and what not. Eat dinner at 615, gelato after and back to SGI around 830. It’s a nice evening out.

4) If you’re really feeling adventurous, Cape San Blas is a barrier island about 45-60 min drive to the west. It’s along a stretch called the “Forgotten Coast” which is aptly named. It’s even more laid back and small beach town vibe than SGI. Also, it’s unique in that the barrier island faces west, so the sunsets are spectacular. It melts right into the sea. The currents and wind come from a slight different direction too, so the water is typically clearer than SGI and there are 15-20 foot sand dunes you can admire the sunset from. There’s some good mom and pop restaurants over there too and a state park that has been named as a top 10 beach in the country. Cape San Blas might be my favorite beach in Florida.
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Relocated to Asheville, NC recently and I’m hoping to enjoy some summer activities in the scenic Blue Ridge mountains. The quality of the summer pretty much rests on that, because everything else about Asheville isn’t necessarily my vibe.

The one positive experience has been being able to condescendingly explain to everyone how things are done up north, and why it’s better.
Semester has been over for a couple of weeks so I've just been chilling mostly. Hanging out at the pool, playing some golf, watching Netflix, etc. I am teaching two online classes this summer but can do that shit from anywhere and it's mostly automated grading. Easiest money that exists in academia.

Heading to Vegas in 2 weeks for a week (oof) with some buddies from NC. We all turned 40 this year so we're going out there to celebrate. Don't have anything else planned until beginning of August. Family is renting a beach house in NC for a week. I got tenure this year and my promotion kicks in starting this fall so I have even more money to do shit now. Makes living in AR easier when you know you can spend your breaks traveling and actually experiencing shit.
Fantastic. My mom and step-dad had a house there when I was growing up so we’ve spent a lot of time there. Man, 30 years ago…it wasn’t laid back it was damn near deserted. If you went down in October you could go out on the beach at Noon, look both ways, and not see another person for half a mile in either direction.

They’ve really done a nice job of developing it over the years while still maintaining its charm and not being overly touristy.

Couple of ideas if you’re interested, take ‘em or leave ‘em:

1) Not sure where you’re staying, but avoid the public beach that’s right by the light house and Blue Parrot (basically where the road dumps you off at after crossing the bridge). A lot of day trippers from Tallahassee and Wakulla go there so it can be crowded in the summer time. Hopefully you’re staying in a house or condo that’s a mile or two to the left or right of blue parrot.

2) If not, it’s worth it to go down to the state park at the end of the island. Just gorgeous down there. It’s a few bucks per car to enter but you get restrooms, plenty of hiking trails, and long stretches of isolated white sand. If you don’t want to pay the fee, go to 300 ocean mile, which is a condo complex adjacent to the state park. Find a visitors spot and then take their boardwalk down to the beach. But don’t park in someone’s unit spot, they will not be pleased.

3) Apalachicola is across the bay and it’s well worth the 15 minute drive. The food there is very good. MUCH better than what’s on SGI. Owl Cafe is our favorite, but there are several good places. There’s a good brewery too, Oyster City Brewery. And after dinner you can go get some homemade gelato from a store in the main square. Go over at like 4 and do a little exploring in the boutiques and what not. Eat dinner at 615, gelato after and back to SGI around 830. It’s a nice evening out.

4) If you’re really feeling adventurous, Cape San Blas is a barrier island about 45-60 min drive to the west. It’s along a stretch called the “Forgotten Coast” which is aptly named. It’s even more laid back and small beach town vibe than SGI. Also, it’s unique in that the barrier island faces west, so the sunsets are spectacular. It melts right into the sea. The currents and wind come from a slight different direction too, so the water is typically clearer than SGI and there are 15-20 foot sand dunes you can admire the sunset from. There’s some good mom and pop restaurants over there too and a state park that has been named as a top 10 beach in the country. Cape San Blas might be my favorite beach in Florida.

I'll always take some advice. We are to the left of the Blue Parrot several blocks. Judging from the satellite pictures it looks like the public beach access definitely ends before our place.

I'll mention the park to my wife. She loves nature so would probably be all about it. We definitely were going to check out Apalachicola. It looks really cool so planned on spending time there. In fact we looked at several different places we would like to eat, way too many for the time we will be there.

Cape San Blas is a place we looked at as well. Lots of it will depend on how much time we have. We are huge fans of just chilling on the beach so lots of our time will be spent doing that, lol.

We still haven't decided on golf carts but seeing as we already know we will have to drive to go in to Apalachicola we probably won't get one. Thanks for the advice though. I'll take anything you got. Really excited about the trip.
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I'll always take some advice. We are to the left of the Blue Parrot several blocks. Judging from the satellite pictures it looks like the public beach access definitely ends before our place.

I'll mention the park to my wife. She loves nature so would probably be all about it. We definitely were going to check out Apalachicola. It looks really cool so planned on spending time there. In fact we looked at several different places we would like to eat, way too many for the time we will be there.

Cape San Blas is a place we looked at as well. Lots of it will depend on how much time we have. We are huge fans of just chilling on the beach so lots of our time will be spent doing that, lol.

We still haven't decided on golf carts but seeing as we already know we will have to drive to go in to Apalachicola we probably won't get one. Thanks for the advice though. I'll take anything you got. Really excited about the trip.

Great! Sounds like you’re at least decently removed from the public beach riff raff, even if there’s a little spill over. So that’s good.

If your wife likes nature a lot, check out the nearby island of St. Vincent’s. It’s only accessible by ferry, but it’s a national nature reserve that’s pretty much unspoiled. Could be worth doing that for a day instead of Cape San Blas.
Played some golf, went to the Smoky Mountains, played more golf and now we’re in the process of making more golf plans. Other than that it’s been pretty laid back!
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Been, well, up and down. Could be worse....could be better. Still a ways to go, so we shall see.

Good---Named Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Association Umpire of the Year...Got assigned to a great regional at Jasper....SOme good fishing....

Bad---Heart surgery set me back.....And well, went to work this morning, gas was $4.49-----came home, and its $5.01.

After the IHSAA State tourney, gonna take about a month off----planned on going back to Ft. Walton to work for Perfect Game baseball, but with gas being what it is, not sure I;d have enough time via horse and buggy.....Probably need to leave now.
It's a different kind of summer for us. Was seriously considering a massive restart, career wise. But at the end of the day it would have been a 25-30k loss. We are about to have our first child, so not a good time to go soul searching. The beach season will be cut in half, but will have lots of time to adapt to the changes. No trips planned. But I will be making the home time the best time.

A current view from the porch.

I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.
Summer starts June 21, but we have been kayaking several times and we have scheduled to go diving in Florida later this month. I have been enjoying the Vols kicking ass in baseball and look forward to the postseason.

My limited garden is doing well and I plan to do some canning.
Started my new job with the Army. It’s change of command season so the band is crazy busy, we have either a ceremony or a rehearsal every day, often both. Fun group of people. We did a Memorial Day ceremony in Dallas, I got stranded en route for eight hours waiting for a tow truck (day before thankfully, I didn’t miss anything important) but the mission itself went well and was a pretty powerful experience.

I was supposed to re-qualify on the M4 a few weeks ago but severe weather closed the range and I have no idea when I’m supposed to go back out. Was actually looking forward to that.
I know it just started, but wanted to hear some offseason plans/trips/events from around the board.

I am currently on my last day at my job, and will be starting a new one next Monday here in Kentucky. Pretty excited about it, will be a nice pay bump for me. Other than that, just had a great little vacation at the lake. Going back again this weekend, I think. I expect many days of lake and golf in the next few months.

Congratulations on the new job!
Fantastic. My mom and step-dad had a house there when I was growing up so we’ve spent a lot of time there. Man, 30 years ago…it wasn’t laid back it was damn near deserted. If you went down in October you could go out on the beach at Noon, look both ways, and not see another person for half a mile in either direction.

They’ve really done a nice job of developing it over the years while still maintaining its charm and not being overly touristy.

Couple of ideas if you’re interested, take ‘em or leave ‘em:

1) Not sure where you’re staying, but avoid the public beach that’s right by the light house and Blue Parrot (basically where the road dumps you off at after crossing the bridge). A lot of day trippers from Tallahassee and Wakulla go there so it can be crowded in the summer time. Hopefully you’re staying in a house or condo that’s a mile or two to the left or right of blue parrot.

2) If not, it’s worth it to go down to the state park at the end of the island. Just gorgeous down there. It’s a few bucks per car to enter but you get restrooms, plenty of hiking trails, and long stretches of isolated white sand. If you don’t want to pay the fee, go to 300 ocean mile, which is a condo complex adjacent to the state park. Find a visitors spot and then take their boardwalk down to the beach. But don’t park in someone’s unit spot, they will not be pleased.

3) Apalachicola is across the bay and it’s well worth the 15 minute drive. The food there is very good. MUCH better than what’s on SGI. Owl Cafe is our favorite, but there are several good places. There’s a good brewery too, Oyster City Brewery. And after dinner you can go get some homemade gelato from a store in the main square. Go over at like 4 and do a little exploring in the boutiques and what not. Eat dinner at 615, gelato after and back to SGI around 830. It’s a nice evening out.

4) If you’re really feeling adventurous, Cape San Blas is a barrier island about 45-60 min drive to the west. It’s along a stretch called the “Forgotten Coast” which is aptly named. It’s even more laid back and small beach town vibe than SGI. Also, it’s unique in that the barrier island faces west, so the sunsets are spectacular. It melts right into the sea. The currents and wind come from a slight different direction too, so the water is typically clearer than SGI and there are 15-20 foot sand dunes you can admire the sunset from. There’s some good mom and pop restaurants over there too and a state park that has been named as a top 10 beach in the country. Cape San Blas might be my favorite beach in Florida.
The Blue Parrot sounds like a place @Kevin Bryan would like.
Had a great time down at Rosemary Beach off 30A (Florida panhandle) this weekend. Wife’s 34th. The water was more clear than it’s been in a few years and the temp was perfect.

Headed to Miami for work Thursday, but the work will be dinner in a massive house in Pinecrest so won’t be all bad.

Then the 19th we head to Atlantic Beach for a week. Water isn’t as nice as 30A but sure do love the area and the sunrise views over the water from the back patio.

@coryfly when y’all headed to SGI?
Heading down to grand lake in Oklahoma for a guys trip. Doing some wakeboarding and golfing at shangri la. Bt my boys sports games, trips and general summer activities, I feel like every weekend is taken up thru sept. Looking forward to eleuthera at the end of july and I just booked st barts for xmas.
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Heading down to grand lake in Oklahoma for a guys trip. Doing some wakeboarding and golfing at shangri la. Bt my boys sports games, trips and general summer activities, I feel like every weekend is taken up thru sept. Looking forward to eleuthera at the end of july and I just booked st barts for xmas.

St. Barts in late December, that is awesome. Well done on life and vacation choice! We did St. Lucia in January in 2021 and St. Maarten in January in 2022, but have been thinking about doing a mid-December one instead.

Would love to hear your experience!
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Was just in South Bend for our 3rd and final training camp before we head to Israel to compete in the Maccabi Games. Old man (40+) hockey is the sport in case you were wondering. I'm coaching after having played on the team 9 years ago when we won the Gold. We'll be competing against Israel, Canada and a combined Euro team (we think it's really Russia, but they don't want to call them that).

Leave for Israel July 10 and won't be back till July 28. taking the wife this time. Gonna be an amazing adventure.
St. Barts in late December, that is awesome. Well done on life and vacation choice! We did St. Lucia in January in 2021 and St. Maarten in January in 2022, but have been thinking about doing a mid-December one instead.

Would love to hear your experience!
I'm pretty pumped. Ive been to a few of the virgin islands and we went to st johns every year growing up. Stayed at some eco type resort on the most amazing beach. Ive had my eyes set on St barts for awhile and I needed warm water temps for xmas (we are beach lovers so we spend 90% of our time down there). Plane tickets were atrocious......and so is everything else lol. We get there at 230pm on the 24th and leave New Years day. Hoping to make friends with leonardo Dicaprio while im there.
I'm pretty pumped. Ive been to a few of the virgin islands and we went to st johns every year growing up. Stayed at some eco type resort on the most amazing beach. Ive had my eyes set on St barts for awhile and I needed warm water temps for xmas (we are beach lovers so we spend 90% of our time down there). Plane tickets were atrocious......and so is everything else lol. We get there at 230pm on the 24th and leave New Years day. Hoping to make friends with leonardo Dicaprio while im there.

Yeah that time of year is PEAK for the leeward and windward islands. Our St. Lucia trip was a big discount because it was winter 2021 and they were desperate for tourists. But I looked at prices for the same place we stayed previously this coming January (it’s called Ladera) and quickly realized we need to save up a few more months lol.

But good on y’all for doing what you love. That’s great and sounds like it will be a bad ass time to be there. Tell Leo he should come onto Rivals if he wants to talk college hoops, tv shows/movies, and whether or not he’d hook up with questionable women.
Was just in South Bend for our 3rd and final training camp before we head to Israel to compete in the Maccabi Games. Old man (40+) hockey is the sport in case you were wondering. I'm coaching after having played on the team 9 years ago when we won the Gold. We'll be competing against Israel, Canada and a combined Euro team (we think it's really Russia, but they don't want to call them that).

Leave for Israel July 10 and won't be back till July 28. taking the wife this time. Gonna be an amazing adventure.

Bro!! This is awesome. Congrats on your gold last decade and please represent the US well again. USA! USA!
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Had a great time down at Rosemary Beach off 30A (Florida panhandle) this weekend. Wife’s 34th. The water was more clear than it’s been in a few years and the temp was perfect.

Headed to Miami for work Thursday, but the work will be dinner in a massive house in Pinecrest so won’t be all bad.

Then the 19th we head to Atlantic Beach for a week. Water isn’t as nice as 30A but sure do love the area and the sunrise views over the water from the back patio.

@coryfly when y’all headed to SGI?

Some time in early July. I don't remember when exactly. We are actually at Holden Beach right now. This place is pretty cool.

Rosemary is awesome. The beach is cool and that little area with all the stores and restaurants is really cool.
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We always do the southern Caribbean in January. Not too boujie. Can be a cruise or a destination. But that is the time of year where it most makes sense for us. I don't think I'll ever love anywhere more than I love Curacao. If I could change permanent location, it would be there.