Do You Consider Yourself a Decent Person?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
Anytown, USA
I'm sure everyone here will say yes, but if that's the case why are there so many irritating people everywhere? From slow drivers in the fast lane, people who won't do a pleasant gesture like hold a door open for someone, political people with agendas to be enforced at all costs, people who beat their wives, etc.

What's wrong with the world today?

I certainly have my moments. The older I get, the more I’ve turned into a “get off my lawn,” kind of guy. If someone is in the military, however, either retired or currently active, I’m going out of my way to hold a door/buy a beer/say thank you/etc. They get my unconditional respect. Everyone else has to earn it.
I certainly have my moments. The older I get, the more I’ve turned into a “get off my lawn,” kind of guy. If someone is in the military, however, either retired or currently active, I’m going out of my way to hold a door/buy a beer/say thank you/etc. They get my unconditional respect. Everyone else has to earn it.
Ummm...What about former military, who's a great...I mean GREAT official?SmokinSmile
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I think for the most part, most people are decent. But sometimes circumstances change your reaction to situations. My wife always tells me---" Your too nice. Your to generous". And well, she is right. I'm a softy. But, I can be quite stern when need be. She gets onto me for always giving money to panhandlers. I just say--" I did my part. What they do next ain't on me". But there are times when I'll say--"hey, would you like to join me for lumch, dinner..whatever the time is. I've had a few take me up. But most do not.
With that being said, I've always been a strong believer in your actions not truly being an indication of who you are. It's your character, morals that define you. Not your actions . But overall, I tend to feel I'm a decent person. I try to treat others as I would want them to treat me.
I certainly have my moments. The older I get, the more I’ve turned into a “get off my lawn,” kind of guy. If someone is in the military, however, either retired or currently active, I’m going out of my way to hold a door/buy a beer/say thank you/etc. They get my unconditional respect. Everyone else has to earn it.
Those are marks of a good man, even is he roots for a horrible team! SmokinSmile
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Since we only see life through our own story...I think most people think their a decent person.
I'm sure everyone here will say yes, but if that's the case why are there so many irritating people everywhere? From slow drivers in the fast lane, people who won't do a pleasant gesture like hold a door open for someone, political people with agendas to be enforced at all costs, people who beat their wives, etc.

What's wrong with the world today?

Too many Louisville fans polluting the world.
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People are mostly good. The seeds of goodness are inside of 99+% of the general population. I would say most of us fall in the range of 70-85% good. There are shortcomings for all of us, no question. Sometimes the 15-30% of our general weaknesses overshadow our decency and goodness.
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Define "decent." I think it's harder than you think, especially when dealing with gray areas.
I've saved 3 lives in my lifetime... 1 thinks I'm ok, 1 adores me and 1 thinks I'm an asshole.. Decency is in the eyes of the beholder. I'm done doing the responsible things. Just a happy go lucky fvcker now who tries to stay in his happy place....