Do you consider this your "Home Board?"

I definitely do. Kind of off topic, I know.

I occasionally post on RR, but I've been reading and posting on this board since 2007 or 2008 I believe. I'm definitely more familiar with the regulars and mods here.

Only reason I ask is because I notice a lot of people get called out for their home boards when in reality, they spend most of their time here and hardly any time at their teams' board.
I don't, because HawkeyeReport is actually a fairly thriving team site. Every forum gets pretty decent traffic especially during their specific season, and HROT is like the rivals FB board turned up to 11......and political threads are not condensed under one roof..................................unfortunately. :confused:

But this board and the FB board are fun to hop on to get a feel for what's going on around the country and chat with fans of other teams who would otherwise have little to no affiliation with Iowa.

I will say though, oddly enough, there are quite a few refugees on our board from other team boards. Florida State fans in particular. There are at least a dozen FSU fans who frequent HROT almost daily after their home board dealt with some issues between the mods and other users.

Edit- I also wanted to mention the Wrestling forum, which between that and Penn State's is probably two of the very best to go to for college wrestling and amateur wrestling in general. If you are a fan, there are a ton of great discussions as well as constant updates on tournaments and events taking place around the country and around the world.

It's really a badge of honor for Iowa fans who frequent HawkeyeReport, and make the wrestling board what it is.
Yep, not one single poster here I don't get along with. I would like to get everyone down to the holler and we could all eat some vittles

I need to get back to sleep. I'm on the West coast and wont get shit done today without a couple more hours of sleep.
I wish I could sleep like that. i get an average of about 4-5 hours a day. Once I wake up, i'm up.There's been so many times I call Bert ~6/7. funny he's always up.
hey @tw3301 we need a real live Duke (dOOk) fan over on Radar for a bit. Can you help us out or are you bant?
hey @tw3301 we need a real live Duke (dOOk) fan over on Radar for a bit. Can you help us out or are you bant?
I wasn't last time I checked but after the slaughter I have no interest in going over there and getting shit on.
This is my home board, I like the integration of fans. I got hooked on AOL's integrated cbb chat, then ESPN's until they killed it.

Not a rivals fan nor a poster/lurker there. I've belonged to some boards and usenet groups over the years, but after my friend Mel McCane (WCF Host) passed away, no boards at all until I found this one.

I did belong to DBR/THT before rivals was around and I lurked some the UL board.

But this is the best thing going now!