Something that grinds my gears about replay review...


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Gold Member
Jul 21, 2007
When a defender swats the ball out of bounds, but then on replay it shows the defender didn't hit the ball at all (complete hand hack) so lets give the ball to the defense for not seeing the foul in the first place. SMH. There needs to be some sort of ability to overrule those type of plays. I don't even want a new foul called, instead some type of "by extension" type ruling.
My favorite is when team A has the ball, team B blocks it, team A recovers it, but goaltending is called so Team B gets ball. Then they go back and review it and say no goaltending so Team A gets f***ed out of a possession that they recovered. It's happened to UK a handful of times the last few years.
That's another good one that annoys me. There are a few replay loopholes that need to be sorted.
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It needs to be used as sparingly as possible. In our last game we had two stupid challenges that should have never happened. Just wastes time and gives the challenger an opportunity to use it as an extra timeout.
It needs to be used as sparingly as possible. In our last game we had two stupid challenges that should have never happened. Just wastes time and gives the challenger an opportunity to use it as a timeout.
I have no problem waiting if they get it right towards the very end of games, but I don't think stuff like the level of the foul needs to be reviewed etc.
I just think the definition of "out on team A" might need to be touched up . If you hit my hand with the ball and ball goes out, you hit it out. Now if it leaves my hand and I touch it again...that's a different story.
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What I would like to see is they send each team to the opposing free throw line from their coaches so the teams don't get free timeouts.

What I would really, really like to see is them trust their eyes until the final 30 seconds. If you want to give each coach 2 challenges to use in the first 39.5 minutes, I'd be okay with that too.

What I'd really, really, really like to see is someone offsite monitoring the game in real time and sounding a horn if they see something that is clearly wrong before a significant act occurs (like change of possession, a foul or a shot attempt).
It needs to be used as sparingly as possible. In our last game we had two stupid challenges that should have never happened. Just wastes time and gives the challenger an opportunity to use it as an extra timeout.
We are looking at too many potential F1s. Almost all are incidental, and the ones that are not are pretty obvious up front.
When a defender swats the ball out of bounds, but then on replay it shows the defender didn't hit the ball at all (complete hand hack) so lets give the ball to the defense for not seeing the foul in the first place. SMH. There needs to be some sort of ability to overrule those type of plays. I don't even want a new foul called, instead some type of "by extension" type ruling.

only thing that grinds my gears about replay reviews is I think it should be mandatory that every time they start a review the Asian lady who rides a unicycle and balances bowls on her head should have to come out and perform during the delay.