Going to be very hard to watch my Cats this year


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2016
The Bluegrass State
My mom, the reason I love UK as much as I do, passed away this morning from cancer. She was 55. Watching games together was what we bonded over the most, and it breaks my heart that I won’t ever get to do it again. She would have loved this group.

I’m sure a lot of you feel the way I do about this place, but it is kind of a second family to me in strange ways. And it helps me feel better to share with you fine folks.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. It would mean a great deal to me and my family. Thank you so much.
My mom, the reason I love UK as much as I do, passed away this morning from cancer. She was 55. Watching games together was what we bonded over the most, and it breaks my heart that I won’t ever get to do it again. She would have loved this group.

I’m sure a lot of you feel the way I do about this place, but it is kind of a second family to me in strange ways. And it helps me feel better to share with you fine folks.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. It would mean a great deal to me and my family. Thank you so much.

I"m sorry to hear that Jimbo. I lost my mom when I was young so I know the pain you're going through. Prayers to you and your family.
Hey man , I am so very sorry. I'll definitely keep you and your family in my prayers. I'm going to post something for you I once saw. I hope it helps.

It is what the title says it is; profound and beautiful;


Life can be a fickle and often painful knowing that no matter who we meet, at some point in our lives we will all experience loss. Whether it’s a friend, a distant relative, a pet, family members, or even the love of your life, at some point if you’re fortunate to stick around long enough in this life you will experience loss. That, tragically, is an essential part of life.

But recently a woman, devastated by the sudden loss of her best friend, posted the following statement on Reddit asking for help: “My friend died. I don’t know what to do.”
As you would guess there were many responses, all echoing similar sentiments from experiences of their own personal losses, and sending their best advice on how they coped. However, one elderly man’s response stood out from the rest. And what he said is something I think every person on the planet could benefit from. The man writes…


“Alright, here goes. I’m old. What that means is that I’ve survived (so far) and a lot of people I’ve known and loved did not. I’ve lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can’t imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here’s my two cents.

I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don’t want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don’t want it to ‘not matter.’ I don’t want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it.


Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can’t see.

As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive.


In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out.

But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything…and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life.

Somewhere down the line, and it’s different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself.


And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out.

Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don’t really want them to. But you learn that you’ll survive them. And other waves will come. And you’ll survive them too. If you’re lucky, you’ll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.”
Dang, man. That is so very young. Sorry to hear that. Definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m sorry for your loss jimbo. I can’t imagine the wreck I’ll be emotionally when the day comes that I lose my mother. She is at peace now good luck to you wildcat brother
Sorry to hear man , especially so young. Will be a tough day when my mom goes too.
So very sorry for you and your family's loss @JimboBBN. Watching UofL sports was a favorite bonding family time with my mother too (she passed away in 2007). She kept track of the fouls on paper for each UofL player during the games. At the time, I thought it was a silly little habit, but I sure would love to hear her tell us who is in foul trouble during games now. :(
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Extremely sorry @JimboBBN 55 years old is way too young. I wish there was something we could do. Cancer has taken so many people from us, nobody is above it.
I hope you heal quickly from your loss. Surely this has taken a toll on you.
Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you get through this.
T&P's Jimbo. That's awful.
My mom, the reason I love UK as much as I do, passed away this morning from cancer. She was 55. Watching games together was what we bonded over the most, and it breaks my heart that I won’t ever get to do it again. She would have loved this group.

I’m sure a lot of you feel the way I do about this place, but it is kind of a second family to me in strange ways. And it helps me feel better to share with you fine folks.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. It would mean a great deal to me and my family. Thank you so much.

So sorry to hear this, Jimbo. Here for you if need to talk about it.
Really sorry for your loss Jimbo. Lost my dad in March and it was really tough at first. I promise you it gets easier over time but your life will definitely be different. Just try to remember all the good times you had with her and do your best to continue making her proud.
Terrible man. Hate to hear this. Keep your head high and live the life she wanted you to. Words only go so far, but that's all I can offer here.
.... so sorry to hear.... I am a Villanova Wildcat alum and I know what it's like to bond with a parent while watching games... my Dad is 92 and I still watch the games with him....I don't take that for granted... your Mom is in my prayers and thoughts from one Wildcat to another...
God speed in your healing. I always think of Vince Gill song “Go Rest High On That Mountain”, when we lose a Parent.
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My mom, the reason I love UK as much as I do, passed away this morning from cancer. She was 55. Watching games together was what we bonded over the most, and it breaks my heart that I won’t ever get to do it again. She would have loved this group.

I’m sure a lot of you feel the way I do about this place, but it is kind of a second family to me in strange ways. And it helps me feel better to share with you fine folks.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. It would mean a great deal to me and my family. Thank you so much.
My deepest sympathy, JImbo. Prayers from the Borden family. And know this:

To be absent of the body, is to be in the presence of the Lord.
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You're a good man Jimbo...I have to believe it was in large part due to your mom. From my experiences loved ones continue to live through the heart and soul. Best wishes.
Sorry to hear this man. I was 25 when I lost my mom and to this day (16 years later) I still pick up the phone to call her. Prayers to you and your family man!!!
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So sorry to hear that Jimbo, my thoughts and prayers are with you pal.
Thoughts and Prayers to your family, Jimbo. I’m so sorry to hear that.

Also, **** cancer
Thinking of you and your family this morning. Jimbo there are no words my family can offer. But I can and will offer prayer. If you see this message, respond to it and I will send you my ph#. Even though I know how you Cat fans can be with officials ph#'s...:D
And the phone call wouldn't have to be for prayer. We can just talk. I can tell ya how great my Hoosiers are gonna be:D.
Condolences to you and the rest of the family. Nothing will replace the love of a mother.

When feeling low , put on a Cawood Ledford replay close your eyes and recall those times with you mom.