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Did you get the shot?

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Not vaccinated, nothing political, just health hang-ups until I talk to my doctor. Wife is.
There's no shame in that. If it weren't for our vacation requiring it, I wouldn't have bothered. Under 40, above average health and have already had covid.
Im in the same demographic. 34, no other factors, already had it.
Not yet, not against it because I believe in science. Probably won't. Wife and kids are though.

I'm actually kinda annoyed about the constant push to get vaccinated. So I probably won't, just to be different.
“Believing in science” is great and all, but it also requires you to believe in Big Pharma.

And then you have to believe that a rushed, experimental product with zero liability is safer than those that they’re constantly getting sued for.

Very strange that the industry that seemed to have virtually no one’s trust is suddenly the opposite.
Not vaccinated, nothing political, just health hang-ups until I talk to my doctor. Wife is.
Same for me. I'm having immune system issues, and docs have advised aginst it for now. With that being said---I doubt I'd get it anyways.
“Believing in science” is great and all, but it also requires you to believe in Big Pharma.

And then you have to believe that a rushed, experimental product with zero liability is safer than those that they’re constantly getting sued for.

Very strange that the industry that seemed to have virtually no one’s trust is suddenly the opposite.
It is weird to me. The amount of shaming going on, makes me think twice.
I totally understand the people who what to rid of the virus and have everyone get the shot, I do. Do what's best for you.
^^^^^ see ive had multiple people tell me this as well. Not to mention the blood clot and enlarged heart issues ive read about the diff shots. As well as some having to recall batches for whatever reason.
I got it both doses in February, second dose ****ed me up too. I just wanted this shit to be over.
I got it both doses in February, second dose ****ed me up too. I just wanted this shit to be over.

I got mine in April/May. I got cold chills the night of the second one then just felt like I had a bad hangover for the next few days. All in all not as bad as some others have had.
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I got mine in April/May. I got cold chills the night of the second one then just felt like I had a bad hangover for the next few days. All in all not as bad as some others have had.
First dose for me was pretty mellow, just arm soreness. The second felt like I had the flu for a couple days. Def affects everyone differently as you said.
I had covid back in November. Was only noticeably sick for 3 days. Really just one day. Barely had a fever. Shortness of breath and a bad sore throat. Minus the sore throat, I probably had felt worse the day after my second shot. Just a day though. But a fever and very uncomfortable for the entire day. Like someone else said, like a bad hangover.
I had covid back in November. Was only noticeably sick for 3 days. Really just one day. Barely had a fever. Shortness of breath and a bad sore throat. Minus the sore throat, I probably had felt worse the day after my second shot. Just a day though. But a fever and very uncomfortable for the entire day. Like someone else said, like a bad hangover.
Lickily i jist lost my sense of smell/taste. It was in january so i didnt push it by doong too much work outside, but if not for loss of smell i never would have known i had it.
No I plan to have kids and don't want to risk it.

Funny convos with my in laws.

Mother in law on 4th of July: Why aren't you vaxxed?

Me: It doesn't work . People can still get covid. Millions have sued over side effects. I don't trust it...

Mother in law: Please wear a mask when grandpa and grandma come

Me ( I was and did wear one ) Why?

Mother in law : You're not vaxxed

Me: But they are so why should I have to wear one if they're vaxxed. Doesn't it protect them.

Mother in law: But you could have delta variant.

Me: So why aren't you wearing a mask if the vaccine doesn't protect against variants?

Her: * Crickets

Me: Eating right, taking vitamins, getting chiropractic care and making good decisions are undefeated. Sounds the vaccine isn't.

I am 33. My aunt and uncle who are 75 and 89 respectively survived covid twice while having cancer. I have a 99.9 % survival rate. Why would I inject something into my body that causes side effects? Am I a re re?

I know a gal who took a flu vaccine and had an allergic reaction and she has to live with cold systems everyday for the rest of her life (fever, coughing, sneezing and runny nose) ... F that ish
I know its apples and oranges but it def dont help when u see commercials aboit where OTC zantac 75 is causing cancer after its been on the shelf for decades.

Big pharma doesnt know the chronic long term effects of the drugs they make, as long as they get approved and get paid, they are happy as can be. And those are drugs that go thru normal fda trials over years and what not, not fasttracked bc of a pandemic.
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No I plan to have kids and don't want to risk it.

Funny convos with my in laws.

Mother in law on 4th of July: Why aren't you vaxxed?

Me: It doesn't work . People can still get covid. Millions have sued over side effects. I don't trust it...

Mother in law: Please wear a mask when grandpa and grandma come

Me ( I was and did wear one ) Why?

Mother in law : You're not vaxxed

Me: But they are so why should I have to wear one if they're vaxxed. Doesn't it protect them.

Mother in law: But you could have delta variant.

Me: So why aren't you wearing a mask if the vaccine doesn't protect against variants?

Her: * Crickets

Me: Eating right, taking vitamins, getting chiropractic care and making good decisions are undefeated. Sounds the vaccine isn't.

I am 33. My aunt and uncle who are 75 and 89 respectively survived covid twice while having cancer. I have a 99.9 % survival rate. Why would I inject something into my body that causes side effects? Am I a re re?

I know a gal who took a flu vaccine and had an allergic reaction and she has to live with cold systems everyday for the rest of her life (fever, coughing, sneezing and runny nose) ... F that ish
A little over 50 of the 35million people who have tested positive for covid have had it twice in the US. And two of those 50 are related to you. And they are at the highest risks. Pretty impressive.
A little over 50 of the 35million people who have tested positive for covid have had it twice in the US. And two of those 50 are related to you. And they are at the highest risks. Pretty impressive.
I wish it weren't true but it is. It was heartbreaking but they survived.
Only 50 ppl in america got covid twice????

im def not getting vaccinated then.
I did. Wish I had not. Got sick as hell for 3 days. Wife wanted to take me to the hospital. Dumb move on my part. Had already contracted COVID in February. Was mild, thought it was a sinus infection. Got the vaccination because my mother is in a nursing home and wanted to make sure I could see her. Never again. Could barely stand and walk. 🤬
I did. Wish I had not. Got sick as hell for 3 days. Wife wanted to take me to the hospital. Dumb move on my part. Had already contracted COVID in February. Was mild, thought it was a sinus infection. Got the vaccination because my mother is in a nursing home and wanted to make sure I could see her. Never again. Could barely stand and walk. 🤬
Hope your mom is doing okay. Glad ya got to see her.
I got both my shots in March, first shot my arm was sore but the next day it was fine, the second shot I got a mild headache and that was it. My kids were sweating me big time to get vaccinated but my plan was to get it anyway. My daughter works for the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston so I hear it from her perspective regularly.