Are KU the new UK fans?

In kansas city Mizzou and kstate fans have always thought we were pompous and unbearable but they are morons.

I don't think we are, I think we do it in revenge for the years of putting up with unbearable and pompous attitude of UK fans. Trust, ya'll deserve it.
Which one?
I've always thought that several KU fans on here act the exact same way as some of the UK fans they bash. They do and say the same exact things. Only difference is the KU fans also have that UNC fan "holier than thou" syndrome and act like they don't do it.

They've just been extra cocky this year because they won it all, so I don't really blame them. It's deserved until someone knocks them off their throne.
I'll take "things Courtsensetwo says to his boyfriend in private for $500 Alex"
Ignorant, ugly, rednecky, IU-obsessed, inbred AND homophobic.

Ladies and Gentlemen...your Kaaaaaaaintuhhhkkkky Waaaaahhhldcatttzzz

Yeeee Haaaaw!
They've just been extra cocky this year because they won it all, so I don't really blame them. It's deserved until someone knocks them off their throne.

The truth is, we owe Kansas a debt of gratitude for what they did for us last year.

Let us push their stool in at AFH, then they turn around and prevent UNC from winning a natty, thereby raising their own paltry title count from an unimpressive 3 to a BlueBlood worthy 4.

A win/win for both programs, really.
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*looks around to see if you are talking to me*

I know I like to post things that makes ku look good (like since the beginning of the tourney we are the only team that can claim that every head coach has been to at least one final four), but I also usually will have data to backup anything I say positively or negatively about any school…not just mine.
I've always thought that several KU fans on here act the exact same way as some of the UK fans they bash. They do and say the same exact things. Only difference is the KU fans also have that UNC fan "holier than thou" syndrome and act like they don't do it.

They've just been extra cocky this year because they won it all, so I don't really blame them. It's deserved until someone knocks them off their throne.

The UK fans that I've bashed are basically all from Rupp Rafters, and no one acts like they do. Hence their reputation.
In kansas city Mizzou and kstate fans have always thought we were pompous and unbearable but they are morons.

I don't think we are, I think we do it in revenge for the years of putting up with unbearable and pompous attitude of UK fans. Trust, ya'll deserve it.
Yes. You're spot on.

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Half-way through this thread I was 100% convinced Hawkit was having a stroke...

Who is this dude?

What is it with
Winning & Weirdos
When we start declaring every player the best player in the nation at their respective position and talking about going 40-0 then you can start saying we’re like UK fans.