Anyone ever come close to winning espn’s bracket challenge?


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Gold Member
Apr 2, 2016
Closest I have come was 2001. Lot of upsets the first round and picked most of them. I went 27/32 and the leaded had 30. I went 14/16 in the second round and fell behind the leader who had 16/16 (50 points behind). Elite eight i went 7/8 and was only 40 behind leader. Got first three final four right (Duke, Maryland, and Michigan State) which put me 30 behind and in a tie for 150. I had picked Illinois to beat Maryland in final four. Illinois lost to Arizona and crushed my bracket. I was the only one on the front page that had Illinois beating Maryland (duke was the presumptive favorite Maryland was the three seed). Fell three games short of winning the whole thing. Anyone else come close.?
I don’t even remember what year it was but it was sometime in the early 2000’s. I had missed 1 game through the first 2 rounds and the first day of the S16.

I had spent a ton of time looking at numbers and past winners and losers that year. So much of it is still dumb luck though.

I filled out over 100 brackets that year in like 30 different pools and won a ton of them. All in all i made a little over 8 grand off of it.

That said i also really burnt myself out and have never followed it like that again. I don’t think i’ve even filled out a single bracket in 7 or 8 years now. Same thing happened to me with fantasy football. Loved it. Got carried away and did too many leagues one year. Did really well but got burnt out.

I feel like the ncaa tournament has become more unpredictable over the last 15 years. There used to be anywhere from 10-12 teams every year that you just knew were good to take care of business in that first weekend. There maybe 4 teams i really trust to play to seed through the first weekend this year.
best I ever did was the year Simon/Bibby/Dickerson led Arizona to the title in 97. I was in Vegas and just knew AZ was going to win the whole thing despite being underdogs in several games. made some good money riding Arizona and the money line the entire time I was there.

won my school pool that year with about 150 people in it.
best I ever did was the year Simon/Bibby/Dickerson led Arizona to the title in 97. I was in Vegas and just knew AZ was going to win the whole thing despite being underdogs in several games. made some good money riding Arizona and the money line the entire time I was there.

won my school pool that year with about 150 people in it.
As a Kansas fan…..all I can say is fvck you. That is all.
One year I was in the top 98th or 99th percentile but that could mean I was still like a million people out or something like that.
Nope....Probably help if I'd fill one out, though. I stick with friends who have brackets,some family, work, and here....